Saturday, December 31, 2011

The end of 2011 or ready for the new year

I can't believe this is the last day of 2011!  This year has once again gone faster than any before it.  I think the fact that we moved to Colorado this year and I had a new job and then a promotion was a big part of it.

I'm a little sad to say goodbye to another year as I am a year older and not really any wiser.  There are a lot of things that I didn't accomplish this year that I wanted to.  I guess that gives me some bigger goals for the new year.

Anyway, this will be word vomit about things we did this year, things I wished we had done and things I really want to do in the new year.  I will number this post for my own sake to keep it organized.

1.  Thinking back to the beginning of 2011, instead of choosing resolutions, I did that new thing people talk about and instead of resolutions, had 'one word' for 2011.  My word was 'blame'.  I wanted to stop blaming everyone else for my own problems or for things I was mad about.  Particularly, it is easy to blame your spouse when things go wrong.  I think that was my main challenge - not blaming Todd for things that I am upset about.  And it's tough to look back and realize that you didn't really do what you wanted with your goal.  That is to say that I don't feel I did that good of a job at not blaming other people.  As I was thinking about my new word for  2012, it did make me think more about my 2011 word and then it made me think about how I didn't change as much as I wanted to in this respect.

- Specifically, I think there are many things that I am unhappy about that make me take out my current frustration on others.  Not having enough money is easy to take out on your spouse.  Being overweight and  having no confidence makes it easy to feel insecure and generally in a bad mood and take it out on your spouse.  It's easy to be stressed at your job when you are working a ton and once again, to take it out on your spouse or to blame them when something goes wrong.

2. My new word for 2012 is 'commit'.  If I am going to start something, I need to complete it and commit to getting it done.  I feel like there are so many things I have started that I have never finished.  I need to look at all situations and decide if I want to do it bad enough to commit to it.

- A few examples of things I want to do this coming year, but have to commit to:

- I've got to lose weight once and for all.  I don't want to do it for vanity (though feeling good about yourself is great).  I need to do it for my health.  And on that note....

- I need to take permanent control of my diabetes.  This is so much bigger of a deal than I have made it.  I only have one life and one body and I have to take care of myself and my body so I hopefully live a long time.  I keep thinking about my son and how I want him to have a mom well into his adulthood and the only way that will happen is if I take care of myself now and for the rest of my life.  I have made some steps in the right direction, but need to work even harder next year.

- I need to commit to my education and my job to make it as far as I can in my field.  I think I will have to just suck it up and take another exam for work and once that is over, I want to look into going back to school.  I feel like I have done amazingly well in my field without a college degree, but feel like it is time to at least get an associates degree.  I could have that within 2 years and then if I want to keep going, I could have a bachelor's degree in another 2 years.  This is something I have been putting off for a long time but my company has such a good tuition reimbursement program, that it is hard to pass up.

- I need to commit to organizing my house and keeping it clean.  I know that so much of my stress comes from our house always being a mess and not being able to find things because things get lost due to the mess that is always everywhere in our house.  I don't think there is one room in our house that is fully organized right now and it drives me crazy.  I want to feel like most of our house is organized most of the time.  Right now I feel like most of our house is in chaos most of the time and if a room is clean or organized, it is not the norm.

- This one may seem cheesy, but I need to commit to preserving our memories, no matter what they are.  I have pictures that are everywhere, with no organization.  I have scrapbooks that I have started and never finished and need to get those done and catch up on photos and albums.  Even if I don't do scrapbooks for all of our pictures, if I at least put them in regular albums, I will feel a lot more organized.  I would like to do some scrapbooking on a regular basis, but at least need to get caught up on what I have.

3.  Looking back on this last year, there were some great times and some not so great times.

The great times include:
- Buying a house we love in Aurora, Colorado after we moved here late last year and lived in a corporate apartment.  We didn't get to look at many houses and we were rushed to pick one and we feel very lucky that we really like our house.  We feel like we learned some lessons from our first house and did apply them to what we wanted for a second house.
- Xander continues to be a healthy, growing toddler.  That is not really just one great thing, but in general we are so blessed to have him and he turned 3 in November.  He has changed so much this year and is such a joy to us, even when he is challenging us.
- After being in my position less than one year, I was promoted to the manager of my department when my old boss left.  In less than a year I almost doubled my salary (including what I was paid when I was back in Omaha).  I don't say this to brag but to remind myself how lucky I really am.  I may even be overpaid.  :)
- Easter at our house with several of Todd's relatives.  We met some of his relatives this year that I had never met before and he hadn't seen since he was a child.
- Several visits from Todd's parents and my parents.  These are definitely highlights of our year since we moved away from all of our family and don't get to seem that all that often.  We also made a few trips back to Nebraska to see family and that was great too, even if the trips were rushed.
- We did several fun things since moving to Denver.  We wanted to enjoy the things that Denver had to offer as soon as we could in case for some reason we end up moving again.  We went to the Christmas lights at the zoo last year right when we moved here, went to see the railroad museum and to a railroad theme park called Tiny Town, both for Xander since he loves trains, we've both been to a few Rockies games and went to our first pro football game seeing the Broncos play the Lions (who we were rooting for), we got a family membership to the Denver Children's Museum for Xander, we went on a hike early in the spring, drove to Breckenridge this summer to sight see, drove to Estes Park this fall also to sight see and have  experienced a few new restaurants and have enjoyed shopping at Ikea - which we didn't have back in Nebraska.

Some of the not as great of times:
- Moving away from family.  Even though we were excited for a new adventure, it is hard to move away from your family and friends.  It was also very stressful with both of us already living in a new state and trying to sell our house back home as well as get it all packed up and moved.
- My new job.  Yeah I know it is positive too, but along with the promotion has come a ton of stress.  I spent a lot of time working and not as much time with my son.  For a while, I could tell that Xander was missing me with how much I was working.  The bad part is, we are still behind at work and January will hopefully slow down a little bit, but will still be busy and I will still have to work more than I want to.
- Todd's job being stressful too.  We both had a tough year at our jobs, but we are both thankful that we are employed.
- Our money situation never seems to go as we hope.  I guess that is just life but it seems like we just can't catch a break sometimes and something expensive always seems to come up.  We plan on working hard on our finances next year, but it was a hard year for us.

4. We are looking forward to the new year and a fresh start.  There are more things we want to do in Colorado including going to the mountains more, possibly hiking a few of them.  We also look forward to having more time with our son (mostly me) and doing fun activities with him as he gets older.  We also want to do some more projects around our house to get it the way we would like it such as changing out light fixtures, changing a couple of faucets, touch up painting, painting a few rooms and some other small things.  We also have a list a mile long that 'if we have the money for' we would like to purchase.  We need a new computer desk, a new kitchen table, a new entertainment center for the family room and a few other things.  I guess you just save up and buy one at a time as you can.  I think it will be fun to continue working on our house and having it feel more 'complete'.

5. It all starts tomorrow!  I hope that everyone has a great new year and stays healthy and happy!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and a few randoms

I'm like a kid I tell you! I love Christmas and now that I have my own child it is so much more fun.

I can't wait for tonight and tomorrow and for the look on Xander's face. I don't care about what Todd got me or what I got him. I'm just excited for Xander!!

I'm not even sure how things will go tonight and tomorrow as this is our first Christmas all alone. We will just have to create our own traditions.

I'm going to do my best not to think about work this weekend, but it will be hard since I have so much to do when I get back.

My house is a mess and Christmas presents haven't even been opened!! I am going to get cleaning done today so we don't start out behind. I want Xander to be able to open his toys and not lose any pieces of his toys right away because the living room is already a mess.

I need about three weeks off from work to get some projects done around the house. I have 100 things in mind, but no time to get them done. O won't be taking any time off soon, but hopefully in a month or two.

Now is also the time I think about new years goals. I know some general ones but need to get more specific but will have to think about it.

Looking forward to tonight and the next two days!!

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My silly boy.

I just love my little man (but what mommy doesn't live their kiddo?).

He is at such a fun age - minus not being potty trained yet and the few moments of extreme defiance. But he is just so cute and so much fun with the stuff he is doing and learning.

A couple of pics to demonstrate my silly little boy.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Almost done!!

Two pictures of my tree. One is with just lights and one is mostly decorated. Now I have the tree skirt on but am actually getting a new one soon that I just ordered. Also, I am going to do something different with my garland and am thinking about some picks or something else like that to complete the look. We will see!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Xander is 3!

I can't believe my little man is 3 already! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

We celebrated with my parents in town on Sunday night and then last night we took X to his first movie! He enjoyed it I think!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I love Christmas!!

I can't help myself. I love Christmas and all the yummy scents that go with it. See what I mean??

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New rainboots!!

I know it is silly to get excited about something so simple, but I haven't bought anything fun for myself recently so I was excited to find these on sale at Target today!

These are the Missoni for Target collection and I think the colors and pattern are so cute. Ah, the little things in life!

Monday, October 31, 2011


I couldn't get Xander to smile very good for any of the pictures. Anyway, he had fun and we maybe went to 15 or 20 houses which was just right for a 3 year old. I'm sure next year he will want to go longer.

We went with Thomas since Thomas is pretty much one of his favorite characters right now!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dinner with my loves

Went to the garden where they grow the olives for dinner with my two favorites for my birthday. Yummy food and x was a very good bou!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Costume for the little man

We picked out Xander's costume a few weeks ago and he wants to wear it all the time. Crazy kid.

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's what day again???

Barely hanging on.


Behind on everything.

The above words are all I can say about life right now.  But it will get better and soon!  It has been hard though and I am so tired.  I haven't been this tired since the first trimester of my pregnancy!

Anyway, I got the promotion I was working so hard for and now we just have to hire someone to fill my spot.  Once that happens, things WILL get better!

For now, I am just getting by.  Just enough sleep, just enough to eat, just enough cleaning done so mold isn't growing in our house (haha), just enough work each day to keep everyone from yelling at me (even after working for 10-11 hours most days).

I'm here, I am surviving and doing pretty well, but I look forward to when things slow down a bit so I can breathe again and actually do some things I want to do, not just stuff I have to do!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Randoms

I have some ridiculously random things going on in my head this morning, so I will get them all out.

- It is noon already.  Where did the morning go and why haven't I gotten anything done yet?

- Feeling a little poor recently, so it's a good thing I just got that promotion at work - the extra money will make a huge difference in our finances.  Without giving it all away, let's just say it was something like a 40% raise.  Granted, it is a lot more responsibility, but most of it is stuff I was doing already so I am ok with that.

- I ordered the iPhone 4s yesterday!!!  I am so excited since I've never had an iPhone and we were able to stay with Sprint for me to get one.  Our coverage with them is decent and the data plan price is unbeatable by far by any other carrier.  We get a bargain on our plan in my opinion.

- I'm excited to watch my football team play tonight, but hoping they don't lose.  I think they will win but not sure how the game will turn out.  Go Huskers!

- Our house says it is 61 degrees in here and I love it!  It is super cold outside and we had our first official snow of the season this morning!  It only snowed for a few minutes, but it reminded me that my favorite time of year is just around the bend - Christmas!!!  I am such a sucker for Christmas and I love cold/cooler weather.

- On the same note as above, I am so excited for Christmas this year because I think it will be the first year that Xander really gets what is going on, plus, I have been buying him Thomas the Train take and play sets here and there as I find them on great sales are we are going to do something I've always thought would be so fun.  We are going to set up all of his train stuff by the Christmas tree on Christmas morning so when Xander wakes up, he will see it when he comes downstairs.  So excited for this!!!!!!!

- Though I got my promotion at work this week, we are still short a person in our department so we are swamped.  To say I have been working a lot is a gross understatement.  Speaking of, I will be doing a ton of stuff from home this weekend.  I don't mind too much, but am ready to have my weekends back to myself!

- Thinking about the holidays coming up, I'm trying to figure out a good way to budget and am starting to think of gift ideas.  I have several things for Xander as I already said, but am trying to think of ideas for others and also a list for myself (as family members always ask).  I can't believe it's a little over 2 months until Christmas!  The last 4 months of my life have gone so fast.

- Todd and I continue to have the conversation about whether or not we see ourselves having more kids.  Right now we are just very content with things as they are.  We keep saying we have a while to decide, which we do.

- I joined Pinterest, did a bunch of stuff on there and then have dropped off.  I love the idea but wish I had more time for fun stuff like this.  I will get back on there again soon and do more boards I am sure, but am prioritizing right now and that's not high on the list.  Super fun though!

- My husband brought me home a full size sample of an Escada fragrance that is not even out yet the other night.  That is one huge perk about his job that I love.  They have Sephora inside his store and everytime the Sephora rep comes, he gets samples (usually full size - so awesome) that he gets to bring home to me.  If you were to look at all of my makeup, you would either think I am rich or that I spend way too much on makeup because I have received some awesome stuff for free.  What a fun perk!

- I'm not sure why, but I am already in a mood to paint some rooms in my house.  Literally ever square inch of our walls is the same color.  I wonder when the previous owners were selling the house if they thought it would just be easier to paint the house one color.  I find it a little boring even though it is a pleasant light tan color.  I need some changes! 

- Heading back home next weekend to see some family and see my newest nephew, Judah!  Very excited.  Then, two weeks after that, my in laws are coming to visit.  We are going to go to Ikea, go to the mountains, see the Broncos play the Lions here in Denver (my first pro game!) and then they will stay through Halloween to see Xander dressed up and help us out with him.  Speaking of, we still need to get him a costume!

- I have been really into reading again and I am loving it.  We have a library membership and have already borrowed a few books.  Did I mention where we lived before that we didn't have free access to a library?  Made me so mad, but now we can go to one for free and I love it!

- That's all I got.  Happy weekend everyone!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Places I'd Like To Go

So I've been dreaming about vacations recently, mostly because I need one bad!!

I can dream about a super fancy, super expensive vacation, but since it is not in our budget at this time, I am aiming for a few more modest destinations.

Here are my top three to visit in the next year:

Las Vegas!!!!

The Grand Canyon/Santa Fe/Albuquerque

San Diego

A girl can dream, right???

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I can do it!

Going to the doctor yesterday and finding out my newest A1C value (6.2% -thankyouverymuch) makes me feel like I can do it!  It's not easy and it's certainly never fun, but I can do it.  I can be healthy and happy and take good care of myself.

I am constantly learning about my disease and how it is always changing and how what I eat, how stressed I am or how other things can all affect me.  I think I will always be learning. 

I feel good about where I am except for one thing.  My weight.  My doctor basically gave me permission to up my dose of one of my medicines and it should help me lose weight.  I am not sure why, but I am a little hesitant to up the dose, only because it is sooooo expensive.  I guess I have to look at it this way.  Would I pay $100 a month for a weight loss pill that ACTUALLY worked?  Oh and had other positive benefits to my body also?

Anyway, this is where my head is at now.  Feeling pretty good despite the extreme stress I'm under at work. I keep telling myself it's only temporary - because it is.  I will survive.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Diabetes Lesson of the Day

I went to the doctor today and got my newest A1C - 6.2%!!!!  Woohoo!  My last one was over 11 about 3 months ago and I have been busting my butt to get it in control and it has worked!

I am on a journey to take better care of myself and I feel like the more I educate myself, the better I will do.  Not that anyone cares but I find the science behind Diabetes pretty fascinating.

I copied the following from Wikipedia as to how Type 1 Diabetics become Diabetic in the first place and some other interesting facts.

"Diabetes type 1 is caused by the destruction of enough beta cells to produce symptoms; these cells, which are found in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, produce and secrete insulin, the single hormone responsible for allowing glucose to enter from the blood into cells (in addition to the hormone amylin, another hormone required for glucose homeostasis). Hence, the phrase "curing diabetes type 1" means "causing a maintenance or restoration of the endogenous ability of the body to produce insulin in response to the level of blood glucose" and cooperative operation with counterregulatory hormones."

"Most people who develop type 1 are otherwise healthy.[5] Although the cause of type 1 diabetes is still not fully understood it is believed to be of immunological origin."

"Evidence so far indicates that the development of diabetes type I is induced by more or less a combination of genetic susceptibility, a diabetogenic trigger and exposure to a driving antigen.[8] Many risk factors have been suggested, and there is ongoing research into the influence of environmental factors. There is also research being conducted on individual factors, and whether some may be regarded as sufficient to cause the disease by themselves or only in addition to other risk factors."

"Type 1 diabetes is not currently preventable.[22] Still, promising therapies are emerging, and it has been suggested that, in the future, diabetes type 1 may be prevented at the latent autoimmune stage, probably by a combination therapy of several methods."

"Diabetes mellitus type 1 (Type 1 diabetes, IDDM, or, formerly, juvenile diabetes) is a form of diabetes mellitus that results from autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas.[2] The subsequent lack of insulin leads to increased blood and urine glucose. The classical symptoms are polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger), and weight loss.[3]"

I don't understand a lot of the terms myself but I have a basic understanding of how I got the disease and obviously how to treat it. 

And there you have it.  It's not preventable, it's treatable but not by diet alone and I will have to take insulin the rest of my life unless there is a cure.  Knowledge is power people!

Monday, September 12, 2011


I know I am a day late, but wanted to post what I feel about yesterday.

I remember where I was when I heard about the attacks- I think most people do.

I was working a temp job at an insurance company in Lincoln, NE at the time.  I was 18, almost 19.  My life was not what I wanted it to be then anyway and this event made me even more confused and unsure of life.

I remember someone I work with telling me what happened and then we all got up and went to the TV in the break room to watch.  I just couldn't believe it.  How could something like that happen?

I also remember walking out of that temp job shortly after that happened (within a few weeks).  It was all too much to deal with and the job wasn't something I wanted to do long term anyway.

It's weird because even though I remember hearing about it for the first time, I really don't recall much about it from the weeks and months after it happened and looking back now and some of the pictures and stories, they amaze me because they are the first time I had heard or seen them!

What also gets me is that there are people out there who think it was an inside job.  How can you think our government is so evil that they would do this to their own country?  Sick.  But what's funny is when I hear people say stuff like that, I want to look into it and see why they think it was an inside job and what 'evidence' they supposedly have.  I would need to read a lot more about the logistics before I could ever say for sure, but for now I refuse to believe that nonsense.

Anyway, my heart goes out to all who were affected by that awful day and I hope nothing like that ever happens again.  I will never forget about that day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Out of touch

I feel so out of it, like I have no idea what is going on in the world since I have been working so much.  I feel like I must be missing something.

I keep thinking 'did I remember to pay all of my bills?' and 'have I missed any appointments?' or 'whose birthday have I missed?'

It's not going to get better soon.  Probably at least two months until things slow down a little bit at work and I start working less.  There are days that I feel so overwhelmed with everything I have to do that I literally feel like I am going to throw up.  Not nauseous, but like I am just going to suddenly barf.  It is the weirdest feeling.

I am so tired an exhausted and I am surprised I haven't gotten sick yet.  I am just waiting for it.  I hope I don't get sick but feel like I will.  On top of this all, I am trying to stay on top of my diabetes and am hoping to get an insulin pump soon which will bring a new set of challenges.

I am ready for these next few months to be over with so I feel more caught up on life and not so out of it all the time.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A 3 day weekend???

I have my post title with question marks because I am not sure if this holiday weekend will be a full weekend for me or not.  I am trying to decide if I will come into work this weekend or if I will just let it all go and hope that when I get back on Tuesday that I don't start out super behind.

The other thing I might do is take some work home so I can get stuff done without actually having to come into work. 

Right now I have a ton of stuff to do at home and I feel like my personal life is chaos due to me working so much and trying to get the promotion I am going for.

I am hoping the hiring process goes quick so my stress level improves and the crazy long hours I am working go away.

I am excited for the opportunity but also drained with how much I have been working.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Working on a Saturday

Here I am yet again working on a Saturday, hoping to get the promotion I am working towards.

What's funny is, regardless of whether I want or will get the promotion or not, I would still probably have to come in because there is just so much work to do!  I am exhausted but it's not over yet.

I think the next few months will be the most exhausting and challenging of my life and I am merely hoping to survive!

We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random Tuesday Thoughts

- I don't do random Tuesday thoughts very often but actually got my post on the right day this time!

- I posted before that my boss quit a few weeks ago and life has been crazy ever since then.  I work in a three person department and we are losing one temporarily so there will be a lot of extra work in the next few months.  I have been working extra hours and taking work home with me almost everyday and I don't see that changing anytime soon.  I am excited for the potential promotion that may come from this but also nervous about the major responsibility that comes with it also.

- We went to Ikea last night and I found the cutest bunk bed that I want to buy for my son!  It is kind of expensive but it's super cute and I would love to get it for him.  He is 33 months and at this point is still in his crib!  The reason we haven't converted his crib to a bed is because he doesn't try to climb out of his crib yet and we know if we switch him to a bed before it's necessary, we will have mega bedtime struggles with getting him to stay in bed.  I know we will still have those issues once we do switch him over but we are delaying that fight as long as we can.

- On the subject of my son, he is absolutely obsessed with trains these days!  Thomas in particular but he likes almost any train.  We bought him an inexpensive train and track set from Ikea last night.  That was his first train set as he has some small trains, but no tracks or any other pieces.  For his birthday/Christmas, we are going to get him some more train stuff since he will be 3 and I know he would love to have more.  I am going to try to get him some cool stuff without spending a fortune.  We will see how that goes.

- I always have good intentions of wanting to work out, eat super well and be healthier, but now that I have been so busy, it has been even harder than before.  I want to work out so bad but feel like I literally have three hours or less a day in free time.  I get up way earlier that before right now so there is no way I will do a workout in the morning.  Most days I am not getting home before 6 and because I have been getting up so early, I am trying to go to bed by 9 or a little after most nights.  That leaves three hours or less to have dinner, do any chores around the house that are needed, give my son a bath, get him dinner, get him ready for bed and spend time with him reading or playing.  Oh and not to mention getting any work done that I bring home.  I am really not trying to make excuses at this point but they are basically built in right now. 

- I don't like to think too much about the money part of a promotion or a job because I don't want to get my sights fixed on it too much in case it doesn't work out.  But if I stop and think about this promotion that I am going for and the raise that would come along with it, I can't help but think about it and how it would affect my family.   A raise is always nice and in some ways, I already have plans for things we need to/want to do with extra money.  Again, trying not to get ahead of myself but it's hard to not think about it even a little bit.

- Pictures!  I can't even tell you how many thousands of pictures we have on our computer that I have never ordered.  I literally haven't printed one picture from probably the last year or more.  I always make excuses and never seem to find the time, but memories are important to me and I want to get some albums together soon if it kills me!  The problem is, I have some vacation time I can use up, but we are going to use some of those days for a trip back to Nebraska this fall so I won't be at home where I could do anything with pictures if I wanted.  The other days I have I want to save for the holidays to spend time with my son and do Christmas shopping, baking and other fun holiday things.  No time for pictures once again.  I guess I need to make it a priority on weekends to get it done.

- My diabetes management has been going much better now that it was a few months ago.  I am being a lot more careful about my medicine and testing my blood sugar and am excited to see how my next doctor's appointment goes.  I also am excited to get an insulin pump soon, but it will have to wait a little longer right now.

- Hoping this week goes well and I don't stress too much or get sick.  I was sure I was getting sick last week due to the stress I am under at work but so far so good.  I am excited for Labor day as it will be my first day off in a while and I will really need it by then with the way things have been going.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I'm not doing so well finding it.

This has been a tough last two weeks and it will probably get harder before it gets easier.  I am exhausted and I feel like I have at least 2-3 more months of similar work hours/stress before it will get better.  I know I will end up super sick if I'm not careful.

I am just going to do the best I can to try to keep my stress in check and to get enough sleep.  I feel like all I have done for the last week or so is work and sleep.  It's kind of sad. 

I just want more time with my baby so no matter what, this weekend I won't go into work like I did last weekend and I will take very little, if any, work home with me this weekend.

I'm excited for what might happen with my job but unsure and also stressed.  I think exercise would probably help but I am so exhausted and nauseous feeling every night that it's the last thing on my mind.

I think I am going to try to make a plan this weekend for the next several weeks and try to set myself up on a good schedule so I feel in control.  Also, I need to make serious to do lists so nothing falls through the cracks as they easily could since I am so distracted.

It will all be over eventually, but for now I have to take it one day at a time.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A very stressful week

So, my boss quit this week.  I have been working a ton and doing work at home nearly every night in an effort to learn everything he does and to gain more general knowledge in general.  I want his job.

I can't say one way or another what will happen, but I am excited for the possibility.  The other awesome thing is, even though it won't be right away, I will probably get to move office locations to our location further south that is closer to my house.  That would be one of the best parts about this situation - a shorter commute.

Also, it now looks like I will be travelling to Wyoming and Montana for work now also.  I will probably go in the next month or so, hopefully before we get any snow. 

This is all pretty sudden and very strange to me.  I am going to work super hard over the next few months to make sure nothing falls through the cracks and everything stays on track as it should.  The hardest part of this whole thing is, there are three of us in the department.  Me, my manager and our coordinator for the department.  Now we are down to two.

It will be an interesting next few months to say the least, but I am pretty excited also for what's ahead.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A huge opportunity!

Something nearly fell into my lap this week at work.

I can't say a whole lot.  It is a possible big promotion with a big salary increase.

My chances are looking good but it's hard to know for sure.

More on this as I learn more.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A new week is coming

Since it is Sunday night (about my least favorite time of week other than Monday morning) I thought I would just mention that this week I am going to try to look at the new week different than in weeks past.

New chances, new opportunities, a clean slate.  All that happy stuff.  I am not sure how much I believe it, but I want to feel it and to be able to have a positive attitude.  I hate Monday's and I live for the weekend, where my time is my own.

I want this week to be the start of some changes.  I want every week, even every day to be the start of some changes, but this week I have actually thought ahead.

I am going to get many things on my to do list done.  I am going to work out a few days this week.  I am going to plan some of my meals in advance so I save money, eat better and can better manager my blood sugar better.

I've already done more on this Sunday than I do on most Sunday's so I already feel accomplished for the week and it hasn't even started.  I am also about to go down to my basement and work out and that is also a good start to my week.

I can do better.  I can get things done that I want to get done.  I can be healthier and lose weight.  And I'm going to. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Diabetes and me

I am struggling to figure out how to make my diabetes a main focus of my life.....for the rest of my life.

I know it is not everything, but it is such a big part of me and can't be ignored if I want to be healthy and not die young.  I want to take care of myself, but it has been so hard.  I am only now doing what I should have been doing for the last 5 year.

I have had major ups and downs with my disease.  I have had good control for a while, but of the 5 years I have had diabetes, I have only had good control for less than 2 years of that time.  Terrible.

So now I have to figure out how to make it all work.  I don't think there is one answer to this.  I think this is going to be an ongoing challenge, probably for the rest of my life.

Right now I am in transition.  Transitioning to eating better, taking insulin more, testing more often and starting a new medicine.  I will eventually get an insulin pump (hopefully in the next month or two) and will continue to be in this phase until I have that all figured out.  I know I won't have everything magically figured out once I get my pump, but I think it will improve things for the better.

So now I am just taking it day by day.  Struggling more days than not.  Trying to make the right choices and eat the right things and test my blood sugar enough.

That's all I can do and I just have to hope it all works out and things continue to go well and hopefully get easier for me as time goes on.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Money Saving

I read this awesome blog every day and am inspired to try to do more to be frugal and save money.

I admit there are certain things I just won't (or didn't) do to save money.  I refused to cloth diaper my son.  I refuse to be like the crazy people on 'extreme couponing' and try to get $1000 worth of stuff for free.  I won't grow my own garden, though I love the idea (I would kill every plant before they even had a chance). 

But there are many things I will do or want to do.  I've been wanting to try using a cash system, at least for several things.  This last weekend was the first time we tried it out and though we have somewhat failed (spending more than our allotted amounts in some areas), it has already taught us some lessons (in three days time no less)!  Lessons like, we don't need that 2nd (or 3rd) box of granola bars this week (we can buy it next week or the week after when we run out) and I don't need to buy a new shirt every three days (I have plenty in my closet already, I just need to use what I have and cycle through all of my clothes, not just my favorite ones). 

We took cash out last Friday for two weeks of daycare because we pay our daycare provider every Monday, and we get paid every two weeks, so when that second week comes around, it always seems like a shock when another $130 is gone from our account.  Going forward, I am going to start withdrawing the $260 needed for the next two weeks every time we get paid so the money is out of our account and accounted for and there are no surprises later.

We also took out cash for food.  $80 for groceries for two weeks and $20 each for fun money, as well as $20 total for 'eating out' money.  That's not a lot for two weeks so I told my husband we would have to eat at cheap places or not eat out at all.  We are already out of the $20 for eat out money (go figure) so it forces us to think twice before we eat out again.  I am not saying we will never go over the allotted amount, but it really makes us realize how much we are spending on eating out and think about it before we do it.  Also, the $80 for groceries for two weeks is mostly gone also.  I figured that would be a very low amount, but again, putting a limit (or trying to) on what we spend on groceries, makes me think twice about each purchase and if we really need it or can afford it.  This is also forcing us to eat from the freezer/pantry to use up stuff we already have.

At some point, I would like to set up either a separate bank account for gift/holiday/special occasion money also as I am not sure cash is the best way to do this category.  I admit with cash, I am a little afraid of losing it, it being stolen or the house burning down and it being gone (super unlikely I know, but don't want to have a ton of cash that we could lose somehow).  I have heard of other people budgeting for gift money so when someones birthday comes up, they aren't surprised and don't have any extra money for a gift.  I also want to start saving now for Christmas as the cost of gifts seems to shock me every year and I always spend more than I meant to.

I feel pretty good about the idea of the cash system though and even if we don't fully utilize the plan, we can make some changes to how we look at and spend money.  I think this is a good attitude overall and will only help us in the long run.

I want to curb my spending big time.  I think I just feel like I should be able to buy whatever I want, whenever I want, but that is not a good idea and also not practical.  I want save more for the future and be able to pay off a few of our outstanding debts also.

I think most people want to feel this way, but I want to get to a point first where we feel comfortable with our cash flow most of the time and don't wonder if we will make it to the next paycheck.  After that I want to get to a point where we would be fine if one or both of us lost our jobs for several months and not have to touch any of our retirement savings. 

So, I suppose this is a starting point for all of that.  Small steps.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Some things and some stuff

That's the best title I could come up with.....honest!
Here are some random things on my mind this Thursday.

-I am feeling so poor right now.  It's funny how sometimes you feel great and sorta rich and like you don't have to worry about money.....and then other times (like now) you feel poor and not so great and like all these things happen at once to take all your money.  This will pass but for now I am pinching my pennies.

-I have this crazy love for diet coke, but have been trying to drink less.  I have been doing a pretty good job and have myself down to one can a day on most days.  I would like to get it down to having it be more of a special treat and not an everyday thing but sometimes that is just so hard since it is just so yummy sometimes!  Ah, Diet Coke, I love you!  (Ok, love is a strong word.  How about like very much.)

-I am using this yummy lotion from Philosophy.  It is called Dreamy Tangerini.  It smells like an orange creamsicle.

-Trying to decide what insulin pump to get (as long as my insurance company lets me choose - I suppose I should call them before getting my heart set on one).  Add that to the to do list.

-Also trying to decide what to do with my son's bedroom.  Pretty sure I have said this before but am feeling like his room is so boring so I want to do something with it, but it's not really in the budget in the next month so I will just start getting ideas.  I like this stuff:

-I have about a million pictures that we've taken that I need to go through and edit and order prints from.  I haven't ordered pictures in ages and need to take some time to do this.

-I'm super excited to get my new phone and a cute 'skin' to put on it.  About one more month (September 1st is the date) and I will probably literally go on that day or within a day or two since I want a new phone so bad.  Here's the phone and a skin that I like:

-That's all I got.  At least tomorrow is Friday!  Can't wait for the weekend as usual!

Oh and yes, I realize the pictures aren't all the same size.  I am not smart enough to fix that.  Haha!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Garden of the Gods

Just a picture of our little family from when we went to Garden of the Gods a few weeks ago in Colorado Springs. Hot but lovely day!
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Monday, July 25, 2011

Feeling good....most of the time

So, since I've started my new medicine, my blood sugar numbers have been awesome!  I have only had one or two bad readings since starting Symlin and overall, have been rocking my bg control!  I am so excited because it had been so hard to control my blood sugar numbers before and this new medicine makes it so much easier on me.  It almost feels effortless to keep my blood sugar in control now and that is the best feeling in the world and something I have never experienced before!

I also have noticed that when I take Symlin, I truly feel less hungry.  That is supposed to be one of the benefits of the medicine and I have been being very careful not to read into any symptom or feeling too much and have it not be real or be imagined.  But this really does work!  Now I get it all of a sudden. The light bulb went on.

I realize how thin people are thin (aside from simple self control and possibly genetics).  They actually feel somewhat full and don't keep eating after eating a normal sized meal or a healthy, smaller portion.  I had small serving of oatmeal and a cup of yogurt this morning for breakfast and actually felt full, and didn't even feel hungry at lunch time!  If I had eaten that exact amount before starting this medicine, I would have never felt full, would have wanted more food and would have felt hungry again by 11.  This is the strangest feeling to me.

Now I need to use this 'full' feeling to my advantage and make sure I always eat the healthy food first and then if I still have room, have a snack after a meal.  The good news is, I don't feel hungry after a meal so it feels like I can skip the dessert or snack and hopefully it will eventually help me lose weight!  That is one of the ultimate goals of this medicine.

My doctor didn't tell me I should lose weight, but I know better.  I think they know that should be a benefit of getting on and staying on this medicine.  I also have to make an effort, but for once I feel like I have my body working for me and not against me.  I know I can live a healthier life and a long life if I take care of myself and stick with it.  It is hard to think about the alternative.  I want to live a long time for my husband and son and the rest of my family.

I will say there are a few side effects of the medicine but none are major.  I have noticed a little bit of congestion and dizzy feeling since taking it and just since yesterday when I increased my dose, I have felt just a little bit of nausea.  Nothing major.  Just small things that are not worth giving up the medicine for.

Hoping this good feeling and great blood sugar control continues since I am loving it!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The one where I talk about being a diabetic

First, let me being with a few randoms.

-I think it is funny how other bloggers in the blogosphere (or whatever you call it) all use a lot of similar wording or topics or whatever.  My title of this post is to honor all the other great bloggers out there.  This seems to be a super common title - "The one where.......".   I think it is a pretty funny title, so I copied.

-My parents are coming to town this week for another visit - their third visit since we moved here!  I love having family visit as it makes me feel not so far away from home and helps me miss it a little bit less. 

-I have decided to either turn this blog into a blog about me being diabetic or to start a new blog.  I have tried to start other blogs before but never kept up with them up cared about them much.  But this is something I care about.  It is a huge part of me and though it is not all I am about, I feel like if I focus on it a bit more, I will be able to understand myself better and manage my disease better.  Sorry to the two readers who actually read my blog - hopefully this won't send you running for the hills!

-We are looking at new cars.  I think I have mentioned this once before but we are getting more serious.  I know what car I want and though it is nothing fancy, it should be very practical and versatile.  We are looking at getting a Subaru Forrester.  The funny thing is, we have a Subaru already and love it so much so we thought we might get another.  But this time instead of a car, we want a small SUV since you can actually fit quite a bit more in it.  Not that we buy big items a lot, but it sure is nice to have when you do buy something big or bulky.  We had a Jeep before and it was great for this reason.

-On to being diabetic and some things that have been running through my head recently.

I have been a bad diabetic the last, oh 5 years, or basically since I was diagnosed.  In some ways, I have never come to terms with the fact that this disease isn't going anywhere.  I have had some good moments in the last 5 years of taking care of myself, but overall, I have done a super craptastic job.  Let me tell you why.  Because it SUCKS!!!!

I have type 1  diabetes and it bothers me so much when people say 'oh, can you just lose some weight and exercise more to treat it?'  No!!!!  I can't.  I wish I could, but I have to take insulin the rest of my life no matter how skinny or fat I am (unless they cure it in my lifetime, which I am not counting on).  I wish it was different and wish it wasn't me, but wishing it away won't do anything.

I recently realized that something has to change.  So, this is a new me, starting about 2 weeks ago.  I went to the doctor for the first time in a year.  My A1C you ask?  Oh, just 11.8 (most non-diabetic people are at 6.0 or below)!  I knew it would be high, but I don't know if I was prepared to see how high it had gotten.  That's pretty scary.  Especially since I was able to have it down to 5.6 when I was pregnant with my son!  I know it can be done, so why haven't I been doing it?

When I went back to the doctor, I told myself this is it.  This is finally when I am going to take care of myself for the rest of my life.  I am not saying I won't make mistakes or slip up or have a bad day, week or even month, but I won't let it get this bad again.  I can't.  Not if I want to see my sweet little boy grow up and grow old with my husband.

In my doctor's office posted on their wall is a sign that basically says they will let you fail as many times as you have to and they will always support you and help you.  They basically give you permission to be human.  To fail and fall and to get back up again and keep trying.  That is what it is all about.  Constantly working at it.  It will never be easy but it is worth doing.  I love how they have that posted.  It makes me feel like I'm not being judged.  They were super nice at that office too so I am looking forward to going back more often.  I don't want to say I disliked my last doctor, but I feel like she didn't have much time for me.

My life will be changing for the better and it has already started.  I have been testing my blood sugar more often and also, I started a new medication - Symlin.  This has already helped my blood sugar control and I am still on the lowest dose and will probably move up in the dose which will help me even more.  I am probably going to be getting an insulin pump which will also help.  I am the most excited about that and will hopefully have one within a few months.  The doctor wants me to work on being in better control first and then I should be able to get a pump.

I am ready for life to change, to be better.  I have to make the choice.  I have to choose to be healthy and happy and to take care of myself.  I only have one life and one body and should not take it for granted.

This feels weird to say, but I feel like this is a major journey I am on and it feels new in some ways and old in others.  I am just going to do my best and forget the rest (borrowed that one from Tony Horton).  Wish me luck with my journey!

Friday, July 15, 2011

30 by 30...revisions and updates.

I started my '30 by 30' list back in either 2008 or early 2009.  I will be honest and say I haven't done much on the list yet.  So, my executive decision is to remove some of the goals and replace them with others because some of them are either not physically or financially possible. 

Anyway, here is the original list and some of the updates to it.  At the end of the list, I will note which ones I am removing and what I am adding and come up with my new list.  I really would like to accomplish as many of these as possible by October 23, 2012, my 30th birthday!

The original text/goals are in BLACK.  The previous updates to the goals are in BLUE and the most current updates are in RED.

Here goes:

1. Get a tattoo. Still want to do this one.

2. Lose 30 pounds - On my way. I am down about 10 or 11 pounds. I actually did this last year but have gained some back - time to get back to it! 7/11 update - still down about 20 overall from this goal, but would like to get to my goal weight, which is about 25-28 pounds down from where I am now.  Need a plan.
3. Scrapbook my son's first year of life - Doing ok on this, need to catch up though.
Still need to finish this! 7/11 - Ugh.  Still not done!  Have a plan for this one though.  My kid is 2 1/2!
4. Go on a hiking trip.
I think we will do this soon now that we live in Colorado! Yay!  One that we have done!  We went hiking earlier this year.  It wasn't a super long trip but it was a couple of hours!  I would like to go on more hiking trips and I think we will.
5. Get family pictures taken - plan on doing this when Xander turns 1.
Booo. I never did this but had scheduled this last fall and then we moved before our appointment. Soon. 7/11 - We haven't had a single professional family picture since our son was born, but this is a top priority for me, especially by Christmas this year.
6. Start playing piano again.
Not yet, but want to buy a piano for our new house. 7/11 - Still haven't done this but we have no place for a piano in our new house, so I was thinking about getting a keyboard.  We'll see.
7. Start swimming again. Still haven't started this, not sure if I will since we are in a contract with a gym that doesn't have a pool.

8. Do another scrapbook of some sort besides Xander's baby scrapbook - also working on this. I've started a few but need to finish these. I plan to once we move into our house. 7/11 - Still haven't done this, but am motivated to do start/finish.
9. Visit two states that I haven't been to yet.  Haven't done this yet, but we want to go to Vegas this fall so that would be one state we haven't been to.  We also want to visit New Mexico or Arizona in the next year.
10. Be able to run 3 miles without stopping.
I got close back in 2009 but gotten back into running for a while.  7/11 - Haven't attempted this again.  Thinking about dropping this goal.
11. Read at least 25 of these novels.  I realized this link doesn't even exist anymore, so will try to find the list, but I think I have read one or two of these so far.

12. Have my A1C level below 6.5 for 1 straight year.  Haven't done this to date, but am on my way.  Working on taking better care of myself.  I think I will up the goal to 7.0 or lower since that is more realistic.
13. Have our second child if we decide to have another. Probably not going to happen before 30 but who knows!  7/11 - Won't happen before I am 30 unless it is a 'surprise' more than likely, if at all.
14. Have at least one car that is paid off.  Hmmm, sad to say, but this won't happen either.

15. Travel overseas, preferably to France/Spain. Also won't happen unless something dramatic happens with our finances.  That's ok though.  This can be a longer term goal.
16. Have made at least one cake with fondant and be able to say it turned out well.  I'm going to scrap this one from the list since I just don't care about it that much.
17. Win a photo hunt contest like this one. Just one picture needs to win for me to be happy!  No winning here, but had a picture or two chosen of mine that were in the top 5.  Not sure if I will continue with these but I do like to take pictures and want to get better at it.
18. Sew at least one article of clothing from scratch.  Also scrapping this one since I don't have the time and just don't care that much to do this.
19. Have hair longer than my shoulder for once in the last 10 years! Yay!! I did this one - and recently chopped it all off!  Growing my hair out again now so unless I chop it off again, it should be longer again soon.haven't
20. Go to a pro football game.  Planning on it this fall now that we live in a city with a pro team.
21. Go to a pro basketball game.  Also planning on this since we live in a city with a pro team.
22. Go to a pro hockey game.  See response to last two.  Also planning on it.23. Run a half marathon.  Thinking of scrapping this one.  Not sure this is realistic with my work schedule.
24. Pass my series 53 test. Woohoo!  Done as of February 2011.  Maybe my next goal is to get my 4 or 3/31.
25. Go back to college (as to when I finish, that is up in the air). No progress here.
26. Get invisalign (have wanted this for years).  No progress either, but there have been more serious talks about this, so a good possibility.
27. Hike a 14er (not to be confused with my general goal of going on a hiking trip).  We have talked about this recently and want to work on getting in better shape so we can hike one this year still.
28. Go to Las VegasPlanning on going this fall.
29. Have my home fully decorated (so I don't feel like there are any rooms unfinished).  Well, since we moved into a new house since I started this list, it might be harder since decorating costs money, but we already have a couple of rooms done.  I would like to stick with this goal though.
30. Crochet something that looks good.  Again, don't care that much about this one so will scrap it.

So there you have it.  I am going to list the goals that I am getting rid of and any I am modifying as well as adding new goals and then I will make the new list again at the bottom.

Modifying #12.  I don't think being under 6.5 for my A1C is all that realistic for me, especially since I am so high right now.  I think 7 is a more realistic goal.

The goals I am scrapping are #'s 7,13,14,15,16,17,18,23 and 30.  I am going to make some new goals and number them with the above numbers for the goals I removed.

New #7 - Take photography 'lessons' online.  To me this means doing a ton of research and watching videos to get much better at taking pictures and also editing them.

New #13 - Organize my office and get a new desk/hutch.  Our office is a mess and I want to get it organized once and for all and have filing cabinets and to have a place for everything.  We also have a glass top desk and that is just not working anymore.  Time for a wooden desk.

New #14 - Get through a full round of P90X.  I did pretty well with this last year but want to start doing it again.  I feel awesome when I do these workouts and want to make it through one full round, even if I don't follow the nutrition to a T. 

New #15 - Get an insulin pump.  I am on my way to doing this.  I have awesome insurance that pays for most of it and my doctor wants me working on taking better care of myself first and after a few months, if I am doing well, he will recommend I get one.  I have to admit I am nervous about getting one and using it, but I know once I get going I won't want to go back.

New #16 - Try out a digital scrapbook.  You upload your pictures online and choose pre-made backgrounds and then add you pictures to the pages, place your order and the company prints the pages for you and you assemble the book when they are shipped to you.  I think this would be an easier, guilt free way for me to document some pictures and some of our life.

New #17 - Create a slide show of pictures for Xander's third birthday.  I know we probably won't have anyone come out here for Xander's third birthday but I still want to document the first three years of his life in a nice way and save it on our computer so we can look at it from time to time.  I am sure I will post it on here as well.

New #18 - Do one other fun activity that I haven't done before or in quite a while.  I haven't determined what it will be yet, but something like riding horses or white water rafting, riding a gondola or going skiing or tubing at a ski resort.  Something fun with good memories.

New #23 - Go on a roller coaster again.  I don't think I have been on one since high school and I love them!  Now we live in a city with a major theme park so this shouldn't be too hard.

New #30 - Visit a winery here in Colorado.  This will be harder now that we have a child, but we had so much fun in Napa that I am sure we would love doing this!

So here is the new list, all put together.  It will be marked in blue if it is completely done.  If it is in progress, partially done or not done at all, it will be normal text.

1. Get a tattoo.
2. Lose 30 pounds.
3. Scrapbook my son's first year of life.
4. Go on a hiking trip.

5. Get family pictures taken.
6. Start playing piano again.
Take photography 'lessons' online.  To me this means doing a ton of research and watching videos to get much better at taking pictures and also editing them.

8. Do another scrapbook of some sort besides Xander's baby scrapbook.
9. Visit two states that I haven't been to yet. 
10. Be able to run 3 miles without stopping.
11. Read at least 25 classic novels. 

12. Have my A1C level below 7.0 for 1 straight year. 
13. Organize my office and get a new desk/hutch. 
14. Get through a full round of P90X. 
15. Get an insulin pump. 
16. Try out a digital scrapbook. 
17. Create a slide show of pictures for Xander's third birthday. 
18. Do one other fun activity that I haven't done before or in quite a while.  I haven't determined what it will be yet, but something like riding horses or white water rafting, riding a gondola or going skiing or tubing at a ski resort.  Something fun with good memories.
19. Have hair longer than my shoulder for once in the last 10 years!
20. Go to a pro football game. 
21. Go to a pro basketball game. 
22. Go to a pro hockey game. 
23. Go on a roller coaster again. 
24. Pass my series 4 test.
25. Go back to college (as to when I finish, that is up in the air).
26. Get invisalign.
27. Hike a 14er (not to be confused with my general goal of going on a hiking trip). 
28. Go to Las Vegas
29. Have my home fully decorated (so I don't feel like there are any rooms unfinished). 
30. Visit a winery here in Colorado