Friday, July 15, 2011

30 by 30...revisions and updates.

I started my '30 by 30' list back in either 2008 or early 2009.  I will be honest and say I haven't done much on the list yet.  So, my executive decision is to remove some of the goals and replace them with others because some of them are either not physically or financially possible. 

Anyway, here is the original list and some of the updates to it.  At the end of the list, I will note which ones I am removing and what I am adding and come up with my new list.  I really would like to accomplish as many of these as possible by October 23, 2012, my 30th birthday!

The original text/goals are in BLACK.  The previous updates to the goals are in BLUE and the most current updates are in RED.

Here goes:

1. Get a tattoo. Still want to do this one.

2. Lose 30 pounds - On my way. I am down about 10 or 11 pounds. I actually did this last year but have gained some back - time to get back to it! 7/11 update - still down about 20 overall from this goal, but would like to get to my goal weight, which is about 25-28 pounds down from where I am now.  Need a plan.
3. Scrapbook my son's first year of life - Doing ok on this, need to catch up though.
Still need to finish this! 7/11 - Ugh.  Still not done!  Have a plan for this one though.  My kid is 2 1/2!
4. Go on a hiking trip.
I think we will do this soon now that we live in Colorado! Yay!  One that we have done!  We went hiking earlier this year.  It wasn't a super long trip but it was a couple of hours!  I would like to go on more hiking trips and I think we will.
5. Get family pictures taken - plan on doing this when Xander turns 1.
Booo. I never did this but had scheduled this last fall and then we moved before our appointment. Soon. 7/11 - We haven't had a single professional family picture since our son was born, but this is a top priority for me, especially by Christmas this year.
6. Start playing piano again.
Not yet, but want to buy a piano for our new house. 7/11 - Still haven't done this but we have no place for a piano in our new house, so I was thinking about getting a keyboard.  We'll see.
7. Start swimming again. Still haven't started this, not sure if I will since we are in a contract with a gym that doesn't have a pool.

8. Do another scrapbook of some sort besides Xander's baby scrapbook - also working on this. I've started a few but need to finish these. I plan to once we move into our house. 7/11 - Still haven't done this, but am motivated to do start/finish.
9. Visit two states that I haven't been to yet.  Haven't done this yet, but we want to go to Vegas this fall so that would be one state we haven't been to.  We also want to visit New Mexico or Arizona in the next year.
10. Be able to run 3 miles without stopping.
I got close back in 2009 but gotten back into running for a while.  7/11 - Haven't attempted this again.  Thinking about dropping this goal.
11. Read at least 25 of these novels.  I realized this link doesn't even exist anymore, so will try to find the list, but I think I have read one or two of these so far.

12. Have my A1C level below 6.5 for 1 straight year.  Haven't done this to date, but am on my way.  Working on taking better care of myself.  I think I will up the goal to 7.0 or lower since that is more realistic.
13. Have our second child if we decide to have another. Probably not going to happen before 30 but who knows!  7/11 - Won't happen before I am 30 unless it is a 'surprise' more than likely, if at all.
14. Have at least one car that is paid off.  Hmmm, sad to say, but this won't happen either.

15. Travel overseas, preferably to France/Spain. Also won't happen unless something dramatic happens with our finances.  That's ok though.  This can be a longer term goal.
16. Have made at least one cake with fondant and be able to say it turned out well.  I'm going to scrap this one from the list since I just don't care about it that much.
17. Win a photo hunt contest like this one. Just one picture needs to win for me to be happy!  No winning here, but had a picture or two chosen of mine that were in the top 5.  Not sure if I will continue with these but I do like to take pictures and want to get better at it.
18. Sew at least one article of clothing from scratch.  Also scrapping this one since I don't have the time and just don't care that much to do this.
19. Have hair longer than my shoulder for once in the last 10 years! Yay!! I did this one - and recently chopped it all off!  Growing my hair out again now so unless I chop it off again, it should be longer again soon.haven't
20. Go to a pro football game.  Planning on it this fall now that we live in a city with a pro team.
21. Go to a pro basketball game.  Also planning on this since we live in a city with a pro team.
22. Go to a pro hockey game.  See response to last two.  Also planning on it.23. Run a half marathon.  Thinking of scrapping this one.  Not sure this is realistic with my work schedule.
24. Pass my series 53 test. Woohoo!  Done as of February 2011.  Maybe my next goal is to get my 4 or 3/31.
25. Go back to college (as to when I finish, that is up in the air). No progress here.
26. Get invisalign (have wanted this for years).  No progress either, but there have been more serious talks about this, so a good possibility.
27. Hike a 14er (not to be confused with my general goal of going on a hiking trip).  We have talked about this recently and want to work on getting in better shape so we can hike one this year still.
28. Go to Las VegasPlanning on going this fall.
29. Have my home fully decorated (so I don't feel like there are any rooms unfinished).  Well, since we moved into a new house since I started this list, it might be harder since decorating costs money, but we already have a couple of rooms done.  I would like to stick with this goal though.
30. Crochet something that looks good.  Again, don't care that much about this one so will scrap it.

So there you have it.  I am going to list the goals that I am getting rid of and any I am modifying as well as adding new goals and then I will make the new list again at the bottom.

Modifying #12.  I don't think being under 6.5 for my A1C is all that realistic for me, especially since I am so high right now.  I think 7 is a more realistic goal.

The goals I am scrapping are #'s 7,13,14,15,16,17,18,23 and 30.  I am going to make some new goals and number them with the above numbers for the goals I removed.

New #7 - Take photography 'lessons' online.  To me this means doing a ton of research and watching videos to get much better at taking pictures and also editing them.

New #13 - Organize my office and get a new desk/hutch.  Our office is a mess and I want to get it organized once and for all and have filing cabinets and to have a place for everything.  We also have a glass top desk and that is just not working anymore.  Time for a wooden desk.

New #14 - Get through a full round of P90X.  I did pretty well with this last year but want to start doing it again.  I feel awesome when I do these workouts and want to make it through one full round, even if I don't follow the nutrition to a T. 

New #15 - Get an insulin pump.  I am on my way to doing this.  I have awesome insurance that pays for most of it and my doctor wants me working on taking better care of myself first and after a few months, if I am doing well, he will recommend I get one.  I have to admit I am nervous about getting one and using it, but I know once I get going I won't want to go back.

New #16 - Try out a digital scrapbook.  You upload your pictures online and choose pre-made backgrounds and then add you pictures to the pages, place your order and the company prints the pages for you and you assemble the book when they are shipped to you.  I think this would be an easier, guilt free way for me to document some pictures and some of our life.

New #17 - Create a slide show of pictures for Xander's third birthday.  I know we probably won't have anyone come out here for Xander's third birthday but I still want to document the first three years of his life in a nice way and save it on our computer so we can look at it from time to time.  I am sure I will post it on here as well.

New #18 - Do one other fun activity that I haven't done before or in quite a while.  I haven't determined what it will be yet, but something like riding horses or white water rafting, riding a gondola or going skiing or tubing at a ski resort.  Something fun with good memories.

New #23 - Go on a roller coaster again.  I don't think I have been on one since high school and I love them!  Now we live in a city with a major theme park so this shouldn't be too hard.

New #30 - Visit a winery here in Colorado.  This will be harder now that we have a child, but we had so much fun in Napa that I am sure we would love doing this!

So here is the new list, all put together.  It will be marked in blue if it is completely done.  If it is in progress, partially done or not done at all, it will be normal text.

1. Get a tattoo.
2. Lose 30 pounds.
3. Scrapbook my son's first year of life.
4. Go on a hiking trip.

5. Get family pictures taken.
6. Start playing piano again.
Take photography 'lessons' online.  To me this means doing a ton of research and watching videos to get much better at taking pictures and also editing them.

8. Do another scrapbook of some sort besides Xander's baby scrapbook.
9. Visit two states that I haven't been to yet. 
10. Be able to run 3 miles without stopping.
11. Read at least 25 classic novels. 

12. Have my A1C level below 7.0 for 1 straight year. 
13. Organize my office and get a new desk/hutch. 
14. Get through a full round of P90X. 
15. Get an insulin pump. 
16. Try out a digital scrapbook. 
17. Create a slide show of pictures for Xander's third birthday. 
18. Do one other fun activity that I haven't done before or in quite a while.  I haven't determined what it will be yet, but something like riding horses or white water rafting, riding a gondola or going skiing or tubing at a ski resort.  Something fun with good memories.
19. Have hair longer than my shoulder for once in the last 10 years!
20. Go to a pro football game. 
21. Go to a pro basketball game. 
22. Go to a pro hockey game. 
23. Go on a roller coaster again. 
24. Pass my series 4 test.
25. Go back to college (as to when I finish, that is up in the air).
26. Get invisalign.
27. Hike a 14er (not to be confused with my general goal of going on a hiking trip). 
28. Go to Las Vegas
29. Have my home fully decorated (so I don't feel like there are any rooms unfinished). 
30. Visit a winery here in Colorado

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