Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and a few randoms

I'm like a kid I tell you! I love Christmas and now that I have my own child it is so much more fun.

I can't wait for tonight and tomorrow and for the look on Xander's face. I don't care about what Todd got me or what I got him. I'm just excited for Xander!!

I'm not even sure how things will go tonight and tomorrow as this is our first Christmas all alone. We will just have to create our own traditions.

I'm going to do my best not to think about work this weekend, but it will be hard since I have so much to do when I get back.

My house is a mess and Christmas presents haven't even been opened!! I am going to get cleaning done today so we don't start out behind. I want Xander to be able to open his toys and not lose any pieces of his toys right away because the living room is already a mess.

I need about three weeks off from work to get some projects done around the house. I have 100 things in mind, but no time to get them done. O won't be taking any time off soon, but hopefully in a month or two.

Now is also the time I think about new years goals. I know some general ones but need to get more specific but will have to think about it.

Looking forward to tonight and the next two days!!

Merry Christmas!

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