Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th and my to do list.

Happy Independence Day!  Today I am thankful for the freedom we have in this country that we often take for granted.  I am free to write this post because I live in America and because we have fought hard for our freedom.  And freedom isn't free.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun day!

As far as my holiday and to do list, here is the breakdown:

We went and saw fireworks last night.  It was so fun to see Xander so excited to see the fireworks.  That's probably the only major fireworks we will see, but it was a good show and free!

We aren't doing much today because Todd has to work.  I think tonight once he gets home we are going to do our little bit of fireworks on the back patio for Xander and just relax. 

In the mean time, I have a ton of cleaning and laundry to do today.  I'm also finally going to order pictures for scrapbooks that I have been putting off for months. 

Tomorrow I took the day off of work, but it won't be that fun because I have to go get my drivers license in the morning and go to the doctor in the afternoon.  In the middle of the day I think I will run a few errands.  I need to return a couple of items and even though I went to the store yesterday, I forgot a few items so I am going to have to go back.  I also need to return a broken fishing pole.  Todd bought me one and the first day we used it, it stopped working.

I am hoping to get a lot done today so I don't have as much to do tomorrow.  At least I have a super short work week this week and Todd's parents come this weekend along with our two nephews that they are watching and we have a couple of awesome things planned for this coming weekend.  I think we are going to Colorado Springs to Garden of the Gods and maybe the Royal Gorge, then the next day we are probably headed to Estes Park or maybe Rocky Mountain National Park.  Either way, it will be awesome since those are places I have wanted to go since we moved here.

Looking forward to the next two days and the coming weekend!

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